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00:38videos monet teistä ovat kysyneet siitä

00:39welliä on nyt päivitetty useita kertoja

00:42sitä on tullut todella todella hyvä ja niin

00:44i menee eteenpäin ja näyttää teille kaverit Tänään

00:45what I use to monitor pretty much

00:47 anything going on with my PC and I do

00:50mean Anything

00:54with its unique freeform modular system

00: 57 the new master case maker 5 from

00: 59coolermaster mahdollistaa vertaansa vailla olevan

01:01joustavuus ja sen säädettävä sisäinen

01:03lähtö ja ulkoinen räätälöinti

01:04options learn more about how you can

01:06start customizing your own case by

01:08following the link down in the

01:09kuvaus niin before we get started if

01:13you guys want to download this and

01:14follow along Again It is absolutely free

01:16in fact this isn ’t even a sponsored

01:18video because it’ s free it ’ s just

01:19something that itse käytän ja haluan

01:21 to share with you guys so this is the

01:23nzxt cam software and it works with

01:25pretty much anything or any PC you don ’ t

01:28even have to have NZXT components

01:30installed like the hue or the Kraken or

01:32joy of that stuff you can still use this

01:34with your system while if you do have

01:36mony of those specific items

01:37erityisesti the hue Plus which is the

01:39valotussarja that I am using here in

01:39valotussarja that I am using here in

01: 41skunkworks the Kraken the grid plus

01:44which is their fan control or anything

01:47else that NZXT software controlled this

01:49is going to be how you control it so you

01:51might already have this if you have any

01:53 of those items but anyway head to the

01:55link kuvauksessa olet

01:57taken sivulle, jota katsot

01:58right here where you can download the

02:00software and signup is not even required

02:02suositus ja syy on

02:04you can see full logs and some of the

02:07software features do require a sign up

02:10so I guess it would NZXT you know they

02:12want you to sign up for it but you don ’t

02:13have to you can continue as a guest just

02:16keep in mind some of the features are

02:18going to be locked if you don’ t actually

02:20sign up so anyway after you ’ ve done that

02:22go ahead and pause the video download

02:24this install it and then you can mene

02:26ahead and continue from there so it ’ll

02:28automatically download the app and once

02:29you’ ve gone through all that you can log

02:31in and then this is what you should see

02:32now I don ’t want to take up too much

02:34space here on the screen observely with

02:36the webcam I want you guys to see

02:37everything especially once I expand this

02:38so I’ m gonna do right now is I ’ m going

02:40 to go ahead and want to turn off the

02:41webcam I don ’t want to kill any pixels

02:43 and that part of your screen right there

02:44my face is known to do that

02:46I can can can Dead pixels so I’ m gonna

02:48head and turn that off but you will hear

02:51the sexiness of my voice still anyway

02:54dashboard we ’re going to move kind of

02:55kopeasti this here I want to show

02:56you the parts that I use the most so the

02:58dashboard this is the main screen you’ ll

03:00start on and you ’ll see you can see your

03:02cpu temperature right here you can see

03:04 tai load right here and that so

03:07A good indicator of what your computer

03:09is doing so like right now observatively my

03:10tietokone istuu noin kahdeksan tai yhdeksän

03:12prosenttia me renderöimme ja kopioimme

03:14this video as I record it

03:16itämä suorittimeni lämpötila myös teidän

03:19graphics kortit voidaan nähdä täällä niin

03:20we’ ve got GPU one sitting at 29C GPU two

03:23sitting at 25 C and in my case GPU three

03:26also sitting at 28 C you can also see

03:29kuorma, jonka alla he ovat, ja se myös

03:30käyttää tämän ympyräkaavion sellaiseksi kuin

03:32kertoo, mitä tapahtuu

03:32kertoo, mitä tapahtuu 03:32kertoo, mitä tapahtuu

03:34temperatures here based on where they

03:37are they ’re rated maxes so you can see

03:3829 C is only about this far of the GPU

03: 41rated Max moving down here you can see

03: 43we’ ve also got our RAM so you can

03:45I:llä on 4 8 gigatavun tix, joka vastaa 32

03:48gigatavua Corsair-muistia ja minun

03:50muisti on alle noin 12%: n latauksella tai 3.9

03:52gigatavua käytössä, näet myös

03:55valitettavasti juuri tässä se ei ole

03:57teknisesti oikein skannataan mitä käytetään

03:59 that memory but I do have this software

04:01installed on one my other PC and it

04:02will show you the order of what programs

04: 04are using memory and what is using the

04: 04will you the order of what programs

04: 04are using memory and what is using the

04: 04will you the order of what programs

04: 04will 9629 >

04: 06most but as you can see you know

04:08viously there ’s a lot of difference of

04:10hardware and software and stuff and for

04:12 whatever reason cam on this machine is

04:14not showing me that but that’ s okay I

04:15 Don ’t really care about what’ s using

04:17memory because I ’ve got a lot of it but

04:19f you don’ t have a lot at least you can

04:20get an idea of what ’ s using memory over

04:23here you can also see your hard drives

04:24you can see your different drives like

04:26for instance my C Drive is a kingston

04:30225 gigatavu SSD it ’s a 240 gigatavu SSD but

04:35you know that once a cache part and

04:36partiion is used up you don’ t get the

04:38whole thing but anyway I ’m using 121

04:40gigs of that and 101 gigatavu left yeah

04:42obviously when I do the skunkworks

04:43update I’ m going to be putting in much

04:45bigger SSD and then the drive D is an

04:47it drive and in it ’ s

04:49teknisesti this is my it is a 4

04:53terabyte Western Digital black and I ’m

04:56 using 1.7 teratavua I’ ve got 2 teratavua

04:59free now the bottom right here you can

05:00see I have the hue plus installed

05:02obviously that is my lighting

05:04valonhallintani määritys niin

05:06 that ’ s how I control all the lights and

05:07skunkworks and you can change the modes

05:08right here using these buttons you can

05:11käännä kanavat päälle ja pois päältä ja se on

05:13kind of a quick just run down the

05:15dashboard here now the dashboard is

05:17simply just kind of a high level but if

05:19myöhemmin mennään

05:21voi nähdä, että vielä enemmän tapahtuu

05:23with the temperatures and watch this if

05:24laajenna se koko ruudulle babe look at

05:28all that info you get right there you

05:29get a lot of information happening here

05:32with your system now the cool thing

05:33about jos olet rekisteröitynyt tilille

05:35 and again this is not a sponsored video

05:37i vannon

05:37mutta signing up for an account it ’ s free

05:40 and it logs all of your information to

05:42the cloud so it spends a little bit of

05:45your kaistanleveys ei ole paljon tarkoitan vain

05:47a muutama k upload to send this

05:49information to the cloud and you can

05:51access this from any device a smart

05:52device like your phone or your tablet

05:54muu tietokone, joka valvoo

05:56happing with your machine and you can

05:58happened to the last hour wiping over

06:01happened to the last hour wiping over

06:03viikon viimeisenä päivänä näet

06:04trends of what ’ s happening with your

06:06machine if you see that your

06:07temperatures are instantly increasing you

06:10can compare like okay why was I why was

06:12I running so hot yesterday you can see

06:13what was happening what was a CPU load

06:15etc etc so we’ ll be coming over here on

06:17 the left it gives you everything about

06:18your machine you got your CPU core type

06:21right here your Näytönohjaimet you can see

06:23I still have the three tight nexus we

06:24haven ’t done my update yet technically i

06:26guess It’ s a downgrade to go to two

06:28cards from three I don ’t know whatever

06:30our Memory our Motherboard type Gigabyte

06:32x99s Oct n’ CF I actually don ’ t even

06:36know what the C F tulee sanoista crossfire I

06:38don ’t know

06:39i’ m running SLI I digress and then right

06:41here we have our hard drives the other

06:43screen only showed two for some reason

06:45not even sure why they run out of room

06:47but I ’ve got 240 gig SSD for the main

06:50drive for the operating system and I’ ve

06:52got two Western Digital Black 4 teratavu

06:54drives right here and then I ’ ve got a

06:55480 gig Kingston SSD samoin, mutta kuitenkin

06:58you can see your ram load right here in

07:00graph format but the cool thing here is

07:03your temperature you can see what ’ s

07:05going on your temperature here and

07:07 if you double-click you can extend that

07:09erityinen ydin ja voit tavallaan nähdä

07:11a historia juuri siellä mitä tapahtuu

07:13tämä on viime hetken yli tämä on

07:14mitä on tapahtunut täällä viimeisen tunnin aikana

07:16ja kuten näytin sinulle aiemmin viime päivänä ja

07:18 viime viikolla tämä näkyy, jos olet

07:20got tilin perustettu niin, että olet

07:22todellisesti lähettää että tiedot jopa

07:24the drive ja sitten FPS tilastot täällä

07:26sitä tässä lukee start gaming nähdäksesi

07:29your stats if you click that you can

07:31 actually get an overlay which is very

07:32samilar to like MSI Afterburner

07:34so this will actually scan your games or

07:37kind of keep track of what your games

07:39are doing as you ’re playing them at

07:40least if they can hook it I don’ t know

07:41if it works with Vulcan or OpenGL which

07:44is pretty much only going to affect doom

07:45but anything that is a DirectX based

07:47game you are going to be able to monitor

07:50 that see it in real time and it will log

07:53it so you can see what ’ s happening right

07:55here now moving back to the dashboard

07:57tab if you click over here to where

07: 57tab 9629 >

07:58build is You can see even more what ’s

08:01 goving on here with your systems you can

08:03seeec code name for your CPU you can

08:05seeeeequency if anyone ever ask you like

08:08what BIOS version are you running on

08:10your Motherboard you don’ t have to let

08:11leave your system and go into the BIOS

08:13oh you can go right here to the build

08:14and see I ’ m running an x 99 SSE champion

08:17I ’m on the f-22 h BIOS and the BIOS date

08:19is 5/3 2016 This was the BIOS that came

08:22out in preparation for Broadway II you

08:25can see here how long your hard drive is

08:27even been powered on I mean look at this

08:28right here my Kingston SSD has been

08:31running for 3097 hours it’ s not really

08:34all that long for another true what I

08:35find kind of interesting though is the

08:37fact that my 480 gigatavun asema on ollut

08:39running for longer but I guess it ’s not

08:40 that weird because I had it in the

08:41system before the other one you can see

08:44Y your video cards right here

08:45 how many shaders you’ ve got your turbo

08:47clock your default clock all that stuff

08:49is showing right here so there ’s a lot

08:50of cool things EBC in memory timing so

08:52everything you’ ve ever wanted to know

08:53about your system is here it ’ s going to

08:55make you an expert on your system the

08:57gaming tab does pretty much the same

08:58thing we showed you four games the and

09:01the other in the other window but as you

09:03can see right here with it being greyed

09:04out I ’m not going to start any games

09:05right now with you know the fakta that

09:07 I’ m streaming this but you can kind of

09:09see through here it ’s got a list of

09:10games and what’ s cool is it will keep

09:12track of how long you played those games

09:13 and your average FPS in those games and

09:16tarkkuus jolla sait nuo

09:17fps so you could sit there and literally

09:19benchmark your own stuff on your own if

09:21you wanted using this app and don ’t have

09:24 to spend a lot of Time Dying All Out

09:26all you do is play your games and come

09:27back here and look oh here’ s here were

09:28my averages now the last tab we ’ re going

09:30to go into right here this is still a

09:31beta but it ’s going to actually already

09:34part of it in here so you can’ t see the

09:36disclaimer but it ’s gonna pop up saying

09:37 if you blash up the graphics cards that’ s

09:39your bad bro but anyway so yeah you cam

09:42is looking to become an all-in-one piece

09:45of software where you can do anything

09:46for your system you want to do

09:48 in one place without have to have a

09:50käynnistystä eri ohjelmistoja, jotka toimivat


09:54kertaa eri ohjelmistoja, jotka skannaavat

09:55things like temperature and voltages

09:57 and stuff they can start to give false

09:58lukuja, kun he kaikki naputtelevat

10:00 that sensor themselves and probing it

10:02probe anyway yeah When They ’re when

10:05he’ re probing it you can start to get

10:07some False readings so you want one

10:10kappale ohjelmisto, joka voi tehdä kaiken

10:11soo tämä juuri tässä he viritys välilehti on

10:14jossa he antavat sinun pystyä

10:15start leikkii

10:17kertaa ja faniprofiili

10:20gpus now it ’s some pretty basic stuff

10:22here you can increase anything that’ s

10:23accessible by something like say MSI

10:25afterburner or that ’ s unlocked in the

10:28bios you can pretty much apply here

10:31SIDE of CAM but I just want to say

10:33this real quick if you are using

10:34something like MSI Afterburner or

10:36precision X or GPU tweak or whatever

10:39you ’re going to want to uninstall and

10:42disable those profiles and the other

10:44software you don’ t want those software ’ s

10:46conflicting with trying to take control

10:48over things like memory clock core clock

10:50and voltages bad things are going to

10:51happen so only use one piece of software

10:54but you can control your power limit

10:57right here you can control your core

10:58clock you can even show you right here

11:00Y your prosentti of overclock so for

11:02instance if I was to get it you know

11:04let ’s run this thing at that’ s only

11:07allowed me to go 1250 but anyway I guess

11:10obviously the only let you go so far for

11:11 the sake of being safe I guess I know my

11:15graph Might tight next is can go much

11:17higher than 1250 but again this is a

11:19beta so keep that in mind it ’s going to

11:20reset the settings here but you can

11:22control the memory clock fan profile and

11:25all that stuff so it’ s kind of a big

11:26deal if you ask me just have an easy

11:28place to go in here and start changing

11:30things like fan profile and give

11:31y yourself a pretty basic overclock

11:33without having too much to worry about

11:35now up here at the top right here you

11:37voi ottaa ruutukaappauksia tikustasi, että

11:39voit ottaa kuvakaappauksen tietystä

11:41settings if you want to keep track of

11:42settings if you want to keep track of

11:42something and then this little moon mode

11:44here this is how you can change the

11:45colors I think the white is way too hard

11:48on the eyes so I like to keep it in the

11:50night mode if you will but on a high

11: 52level guys that is the NZXT CAM software

11:55have you guys have any of the NZXT

11:57hardware like I said like the Kraken

11:58water-cooler the grid plus fan


12:01or the hue plus then you ’ve probably

12:02already seen this software and are

12:04already using it because this is how you

12:05have to control it but I think it’ s

12:07really neat that NZXT has expanded this

12:09 to be an all-inclusive suite to take

12:11ohjaus eri asioita tapahtuu

12:14your system and to monitor everything

12:15happing with your system I use NZXT

12:1724/7 the cam software as a monitoring

12:20suite that way I can see what ’s

12:22happing with things like voltages and

12:23 whatnot because I don’ t want to have to

12:25have a bunch of pieces of software

12:26running to try and capture everything

12:28 that ’ s happening so far NZXT scam has

12:30been Pretty stable I did follow it

12:33myös beetaprosessin läpi, joten se

12:34 oli tavallaan kivinen alussa

12:36joku kaatuu tai jotkut kovat lukot

12:38software itse ei järjestelmä vaan

12:39software vain lopetti vastaamisen tai vain

12:42jot asiat eivät ole tunnistettavissa, mutta

12:44 that seems to have really started to

12:46working yourself out to where it is a much

12:47myös vakaampi ohjelmistopala, mutta hei

12:49it ’ s free you might as well at least try

12:51it out I mean the link is down in

12:53description if you guys don ’t like it

12:54uninstall it and move on at least you

12:56guys aren’ t out anything out of pocket

12:57anyway I ’m gonna get out here guys tell

12:59me if you like this kind of reuse

13:01software review if so let me know what

13:03mother pieces of software you think I

13:05should review well that said guys I’ m

13:07gonna go ahead and get on out of here

13:07kanks for watching and as always I will

13:09see sinut seuraavassa videossa

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